An instructor since 1996, Susan Rocco teaches students to engage in writing as a process and to investigate ways to read critically both in face to face and hybrid courses. In addition to teaching for the English Department at the College of Staten Island, she teaches developmental reading and writing classes during Summer & Winter Immersion for the Office of Academic Support, and has taught courses promoting student success for the Counseling Center. Prof. Rocco’s teaching experience includes teaching in Learning Communities, participating in CSI’s Hybrid Initiative, and providing student advisement for the Center for Advising and Academic Success. She continues to hone her professional development through the School of Professional Studies advanced training workshops for teaching online.
Her pedagogical practice is to empower students by establishing an encouraging classroom climate that promotes questions, predictions, and reflections. She has presented professional development workshops for both the English Department and for the college community through the Faculty Development Center. Prof. Rocco is interested in and committed to mentoring both faculty and students.