I offer many thanks to those who have contributed money for this year’s Phi Beta Kappa Associates book awards. Because of your generosity, we are able to honor 15 graduates in an awards ceremony, which will be held on Thursday, May 24 in the Center for the Arts (Building 1P) Recital Hall on at 1:30pm. At that time, Professor Tim Gray of the English Department will deliver our 12th annual Phi Beta Kappa Address, entitled “Blasted Categories.” After the address, we will distribute the book awards to the seniors, all of whom have stellar records in the liberal arts; their names and majors follow below. Then, there will be some light refreshments so that students, family, faculty, and staff can meet. This will be a great opportunity to support academic excellence and the liberal arts at CSI. 

Once again, thanks for your encouragement and support. We hope to see you on May 24.

2012 Award Winners

Mark Barahman (Biochemistry/Macaulay Honors College)
Victoria Cooper (English Literature/Spanish/Macaulay Honors College)
Kimberly Cruz (Chemistry/Sociology/Anthropology/Macaulay Honors College)
Elizabeth Davis (English Writing)
Daniel Feldman (Physics/Macaulay Honors College)
Julia Hayes (Philosophy/Political Science)
Irvin Ibarguen (History)
Brian Iskra (Biochemistry/Macaulay Honors College)
Leana Leon (Psychology/Sociology/Anthropology)
Ann Mackey (Psychology)
Jennifer Olonko (English/History)
Sylvana Salama (Mathematics/Macaulay Honors College)
Samantha Scicchigno (Psychology/Macaulay Honors College)
Brian Siegel (English Writing/Psychology)
Lev Treybich (English Literature/Linguistics)