In an effort to assist eligible students with scholarships though turbulent economic times, the boards of the Alumni Association and The Friends of CSI have donated $5,000, respectively, for a total of $10,000, toward general scholarship needs for the next academic year. At their respective March meetings, both of CSI’s esteemed volunteer boards signaled a desire to help CSI students by bolstering the availability of scholarship funds with their substantial contributions. According to Cynthia DiMarco, Esq., ’74, Alumni Board President,
“In these difficult times, it is the board’s pleasure to provide scholarship money to help today’s students become tomorrow’s new alumni.”
Through their generous donations, our students’ academic needs are placed front and center. Scholarship awards assist many worthy students, and in some cases, make all the difference in whether a student can attend CSI. These donations acknowledge that trying times can often stretch families and students attempting to meet tuition costs, while providing much-needed assistance.
Dr. Christine Cea, President of the Friends of CSI, emphasized, “The mission of the Friends of the College of Staten Island has always been to promote the welfare of the College and to raise funds for scholarships and other pressing needs. Our mission becomes even more significant in this difficult economic climate, when there are fewer scholarship dollars to go around. As supporters of the College and of its president, we are pleased to offer this assistance to students in need of support. That’s just what friends do.”
The College salutes its loyal Alumni Board of Directors and the enduring support from the Friends of CSI for leading the way in supporting CSI’s mission and keeping a sharp focus on helping our students.