The Archives & Special Collections of the  College of Staten Island Library presents An Author Talk on Thursday, Oct. 22 in the Library (Building 1L), Room 216. This series of Author Talks gives College of Staten Island authors an opportunity to discuss their book-length publications.

This talk will feature  Genevieve Betts of the Department of English discussing An Unwalled City,  Prolific Press, 2015.

Betts’s debut book is a collection of narrative poems filled with rich and striking imagery. She captures a childhood growing up in the Sonoran desert and contrasts her experience to new motherhood in the city. The daughter of copper miners, her poems teem with cacti and arachnids and ghost town jail cells, shifting at times to a world of mid-rise apartments that house a different kind of danger, including a next door murder/suicide. In this collection, the membrane between the living and dying is thin, no matter the setting.