As a follow up to the previous messages regarding the status of entering December leave time, we are reporting that the new online timesheet application is live. For those who have not yet completed their December timesheets, please use this application. The main difference from the old application is the removal of the calendar where you marked the days/hours/minutes taken. The new applications allows you to update one row with the total number of hours/days/minutes taken, calculates totals and then includes a text box to indicate the exact dates taken. We are planning to make adjustments in the next release, which will allow you to select the dates again. This version was meant as an interim application to allow the Office of Human Resources to process timesheets.

Please note that the timesheets program has a new URL,,  therefore you will need to update any bookmarks or shortcuts that point to the old address. It can also be accessed from the CSI homepage by selecting the “Faculty & Staff” link from the top menu bar and then selecting “timesheets.”

I wanted to clarify that these new time sheets are only for full-time Administrative Staff and Non-Teaching Instructional Staff. College assistants, please continue to use the current system that you have always used.

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Human Resources at 718.982.2379.