As a follow-up to the HEO Town Hall today, the link to the HEO Compensatory timesheet can be found in the HR Website.

As a reminder, please email your online monthly timesheet to your supervisor for approval and signature. Supervisors may sign their employee timesheets as in normal course of business and scan them to If you are unable to access the online timesheet, you may send an email detailing any time you took off such as sick, annual, or an unscheduled day to your supervisor. Your supervisor should review your email for accuracy and forward the email to, indicating their approval in the body of the email.

In addition, the University Benefits Office (UBO) created a new section to the CUNY Benefits Webpage dedicated to Coronavirus-related information and resources. There is a link to a chart of all the health plans and the telemedicine services that the carriers have expanded. There is a section for mental health-related services and other pertinent links including Deer Oaks EAP and Fitness. 

By Manuela Alongi