DCAS is offering a virtual class on  “Disability Etiquette: Inclusive Workplace Strategies for People with Disabilities” (Course Code: C-8022), which is scheduled for virtual delivery via Zoom by the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD) on Wednesday, Jan. 20 between 10:00am and 11:30am. Please note that the Zoom platform supports American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation and captioning. This class is free of charge to all agencies.  

The training will review strategies and most effective methods for creating an inclusive environment for people with disabilities. Participants will explore various myths or misconceptions about the disabled community, as well as develop competencies in interacting with persons with various disabilities.  

Staff members who are interested in attending this virtual class should complete the online CTC training application and receive supervisory approval prior to submitting their applications to the Professional Development and Learning Management office. Completed applications should be emailed to University.Training@cuny.edu.   

By the Office of Human Resources