The College of Staten Island is making every effort to protect your digital identity and related College material. Beginning Tuesday, Mar. 1, Information Technology Services will enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) for your computer login (FLAS account) when you are on campus or connecting remotely to your office computer. MFA is being deployed to conform to the CUNY security policy.

What is multi-factor authentication?

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a security enhancement that requires two forms of verification when logging in to your office desktop and adds critical protection for your sign-on credentials.

Please note:

·       MFA is only for your computer login, and it will NOT impact your email (exchange) login account.

·       At this time, MFA will only be deployed on office computers. Lab and podium computers will not be affected.

·       VPN access from off-campus to your desktop will not be impacted. However, you will still be required to authenticate.

To learn more, please visit the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) accordion/tab on the Security & Policies Webpage, which contains further information, instructional materials, and videos (coming soon).

Please contact the HelpDesk for Technology Support (xHELP) or the Technology Training Center (x2345) for training assistance.

By the Office of Technology Services