Information Technology Services continues to be proactive when addressing security, and we wanted to keep you informed on upcoming procedures, based on CUNY guidelines/mandates, that we will be following:

  1. Operating systems need to be compliant with up-to-date security updates. IT continues to monitor machines on our network and will be addressing those machines that are not in compliance.
  2. When logging into your machine, you need to be using your FLAS domain credentials in order to connect to the network
  3. Based on IT reports, we are identifying machines that are not receiving updates. In order to address this, IT will be:
    1. Waking up machines to apply updates starting on Monday, Oct. 9.
    2. Rebooting machines on a weekly basis starting Sunday, Oct. 15.
  4. Based on results from security reports, IT may need to visit your machine to manually provision updates in order to remain in compliance.
  5. IT will implement monthly maintenance windows occurring on the last Saturday of each month starting at 9:00pm. Holidays could affect this schedule. Please go online for further details.

MFA continues to be a CUNY requirement. We were recently informed that receiving text messages as an authentication method will no longer be supported. This was based on known reports that determined SMS messaging can be vulnerable. An alternative method that CUNY is requiring will be to download an authenticator app. We are suggesting that you begin this process immediately. To assist, IT has instructions under Resources and Guides on the Website. Please feel free to contact the Technology Training Center at 718.982.2345 or the HelpDesk at extension HELP for further assistance.

We appreciate your patience during this time, and we need you to continue to be cautious when dealing with any communication that looks suspicious or was unexpected and when visiting Websites. Also, please remember that IT will never ask you for your password, never ask you for your MFA credentials, and never threaten to terminate your email or FLAS domain login access. If you are unsure, please contact IT immediately.  

Finally, as October is Security Information Month, we will be sharing weekly updates and communications from CUNY.

We are here to help.

By Technology Services