“Why Brightspace? A First Look.” Wednesday, Oct. 18 at 1:00 PM via Zoom Webinar; Meeting ID: 845 4222 9530, Passcode: 969464 

Please join the LMS Transition/CUNY Online Team for an introduction to CUNY’s next Learning Management System (LMS), Brightspace, which will provide an in-depth exploration of the Brightspace learning environment, functionalities, and features. Discover how Brightspace empowers educators to facilitate engaging teaching and learning experiences while ensuring accessibility for every student. 

In this Webinar, we’ll explore: 

1. Engaged Teaching and Learning: Brightspace offers a platform that prioritizes active and engaged learning in the digital realm. Learn how it facilitates dynamic course design, interactive assessments, and collaborative tools that keep students and instructors connected and engaged. 

2. Accessibility for All: Ensuring inclusivity is at the core of Brightspace. Learn about its dynamic accessibility features that make it possible for every student, regardless of abilities or learning style preferences, to access course materials. 

3. Strengths in Multimedia Content: In today’s digital landscape, multimedia content is key to effective teaching. Learn how Brightspace seamlessly integrates multimedia resources, making it easy to create, share, and engage with videos, interactive content, and multimedia assessments. 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to explore D2L’s Brightspace and learn how it can elevate your teaching and inspire your students in the digital age. Join us for this Webinar and embark on a journey toward innovative, engaging, and accessible education.

Click on “Zoom Webinar” to register. 

By the Faculty Center for Professional Development