Happy May, and as we near the end of our spring semester, this week I decided to ask students around campus what their plans are for after this semester, and possibly after graduation if they happen to be graduating after the semester, like me.   

I approached Gabby, a freshman, when she was with a group of friends. Her friends gave a round of “no idea” when I asked about their plans for the future. I appreciated their honesty, and, assuming they’re also freshmen, I was in their shoes not long ago.  

Gabby said, “This is probably my only semester here. I’m going to cosmetology school.” I wish her the best of luck outside of the College of Staten Island. Gabby will be spending her summer before that going on vacation to visit family. 

Chris is redoing his Bachelor’s in Communications, and plans to relax this summer, hang out, and spend time with his family. Aside from that, he is taking his time, taking one class per semester. He had high praise for the College of Staten Island’s Office of Accessibility Services, as well as the variety of on-campus activities and career workshops.  

Finally, I caught up with a fellow senior and Biology major Mosa Fabian. She told me “I feel like this summer is going to be my last summer of being free,” as she is going ahead with her Pharmacy degree next semester. She said she’ll have fun all summer, and I wish her the best of luck as well.  

With that, I find myself looking forward to my cruise this summer while simultaneously agonizing over what my future career prospects hold. Back in high school, I wrote a poem about graduation as part of an assignment, stating “A prayer circle for our graduates, our lost and tortured souls.” While I was clearly a lot more cynical back then, my sentiment remains the same. Godspeed,Dolphins! 

By Laura Bello