[typography font=”Tinos” size=”36″ size_format=”px” color=”#233d7e”]CSI CELESTIAL BALL 2011[/typography]
Message from the President | Support CSI | Alumni Relations
[typography font=”Dancing Script” size=”24″ size_format=”px” color=”#FFFFFF”]Celestial Ball Supports Student Scholarships and Support[/typography]
CSI students were the beneficiaries last Saturday, as the Third Annual CSI Celestial Ball succeeded in raising more than $500,000 for student scholarships and support.
A diverse group of nearly 250 people, comprising community and business leaders, students, faculty, staff, friends of the College, and honorees and their family members, attended the event at the Richmond County Country Club.
[typography font=”Dancing Script” size=”24″ size_format=”px” color=”#FFFFFF”]CSI Career and Scholarship Center[/typography]
The goal of the CSI Career and Scholarship Center is to assist students as they navigate their way toward choosing a major, gaining work and internship experience, and embarking on satisfying careers.