We would like to provide you with an update on two critical infrastructure repairs that are currently underway on the campus.

On Saturday, Oct. 8, a malfunction occurred in the electrical substation limiting our capacity to one of our two feeders. It appears that the issue is in a high-voltage transformer within the substation. The University, working with CON ED, DASNY,  American Electrical Testing, and the College’s electricians, is working to diagnose the problem and complete the permanent repairs as soon as possible. Without the redundancy of the second feeder, we are at risk of losing power on the campus. We ask that you shut all devices off when not in use and be sure to save and back-up your work. We will keep the campus informed as progress is made.

As you may know, the water for heating and cooling our buildings emanates from the Central Plant. These services are provided through miles of piping in tunnels under the campus.  On Saturday, Oct. 1, our engineers discovered a failure in the brackets, causing pipes to collapse in a branch line that feeds a portion of the campus. Fortunately, the contractor that completed repairs on a similar failure last year in Building 6S was on site conducting a study of the integrity of the underground piping system. The University and DASNY immediately engaged them to make the needed repairs. We expect these repairs will be completed within the next two weeks. Impacted buildings include 4N, 5N, 1R and 1C.  We will continue to keep you informed of the progress on the repairs.