We have received a few questions regarding heat on campus and wanted to provide some information to the campus community.
Our heating and cooling systems are setup in a way that makes it challenging to determine a specific date for switch over. Once we switch over to heating, we cannot cool spaces if the weather warms up. If we attempt to switch back and forth from heating to cooling we risk causing damage to the equipment due to the rapid change in temperature.
Our heating equipment has been serviced and is ready to go. Facilities staff have been diligently watching the weather for over a month to identify a date that the warm weather is behind us. However, despite the cooler temperatures at the first part of this week, the temperatures remain unseasonably warm. Tomorrow and Friday, are forecast to have temperatures in the 70s. With these temperatures, we will still need the ability to provide cooling in order to keep some spaces comfortable.
As we look ahead, barring any unforeseeable conditions, we will be switching over to heating on Monday, Nov. 6. This process takes a few days but, fortunately, we are expecting mild weather for the first part of the week. If you have any questions, please call the Office of Facilities Management at 718.982.3210. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.