CSI-TV’s newest show Student Film Series continues this month with Karena Pang’s “Girl with a Movie Camera.” CSI Today caught up with Pang, a junior Cinema Production major, to discuss the project, viewable now on CSI-TV.
See below the full conversation with student filmmaker Karena Pang:
CSI Today: What was “Girl with a Movie Camera” created for? Was it for a school project or a freelance project?
Karena Pang: “Girl with a Movie Camera” is a collection of work for class put together for the film festival. I originally had no intentions of submitting my work but after my professor encouraged me to, I thought, “Why not?”
CSIT: What inspired you to create this film and tell this particular story?
KP: I had been wanting to make my own version of “Man with a Movie Camera” since I watched it for one of my classes. I liked how it was literally just a man filming whatever he found interesting with his movie camera. “The Morning after I Killed Myself” on YouTube is also a big inspiration for my work. The video makes life feel so simple yet, so beautiful. I want to be able to do the same in my work. I don’t care so much about story. I care about the feeling.
CSIT: What was your favorite part(s) of making the film?
KP: I think being able to see my own work come out well was my favorite part of making the film. I shot everything alone and to be very honest, I have no idea what I’m doing. I just sort of move things around until it looks good. So, when I see the final product and it looks nice, I give myself a little pat on the back and say, “Good job, me.”
CSIT: How do you feel you’ve grown as a filmmaker in your time at CSI?
KP: I was always hesitant to film, especially with a camera. I lacked confidence and drive. But once I went to CSI and my grades depended on me filming, it pushed me to take that first step that I had been avoiding for so long. Now I’m more comfortable using a camera to film and I somewhat know what I’m doing. I’ve definitely noticed a huge improvement in my work. I shock myself at times when I’m editing. Like, wow…I did that?
CSIT: What advice would you give to aspiring filmmakers at CSI?
KP: Whatever it is you want to film, film it, but really try your best. Make something you’re genuinely proud of. You might look back on it a few months or years later and cringe, but it was your best at the time. Everyone starts somewhere.
Check out “Girl with a Camera” below, and be sure to subscribe to CSI-TV for updates on new shows premiering each month.