Search Results for: message from president lynch

A Message from President Lynch

What a fantastic way to end my first semester at CSI! This week’s Commencement activities—including our graduation ceremony, annual Dolphin Awards reception, and assorted departmental and other events—cemented in my mind just...

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A Message from President Lynch

This week marked a solemn occasion for the nation as we surpassed one million COVID fatalities. On Tuesday, in commemoration of that milestone and in remembrance of all those members of the CUNY community who succumbed to the...

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A Message from President Lynch

I hope you have been enjoying this lovely weather during Nurses Week, where we celebrate the accomplishment of our aspiring nurses in the classroom, as well as those alumni nurses serving on the front lines in our area hospitals...

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A Message from President Lynch

As the calendar turns to May and we enter Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month, it is important to acknowledge the contributions of members of the AAPI community, while recognizing the barriers that exist to their...

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A Message from President Lynch

I hope that you were able to enjoy some downtime while classes were not in session last week. I know that while I enjoyed the lack of a commute, I also greatly missed being on campus! I would be remiss to not acknowledge some...

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