Search Results for: message from president lynch

A Message from President Lynch

I hope that you’ve been well since my last communication. I write now to provide an update as to campus activities over the past two weeks—I did not want to send my usual Friday email during the Lincoln’s...

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A Message from President Lynch

What a week!  It was great to see so many of our students, faculty, and staff back on the beautiful CSI campus in numbers not realized for nearly two years—the excitement that ordinarily accompanies the start of a new term...

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A Message from President Lynch

Welcome to the Spring semester….and welcome back! I am buoyed by the optimism that accompanies the first day of instruction, and gratified to think of so many of my colleagues—and our students—on our beautiful campus tomorrow....

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Message from President Lynch

I hope this end-of-workweek note finds you well. Throughout my relatively brief time on campus, I learned that folks appreciate hearing from the administration about various projects and initiatives. My Friday email...

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Message from President Lynch

I hope this mid-month email finds you well. I write with some important updates and reminders. First, as we prepare for the Spring term and an increased presence on campus, it is imperative that students upload proof of...

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