This semester, the Faculty Center for Professional Development is launching a Faculty Interest Group (FIG) on Diverse Faculty. This FIG aims to provide CSI faculty a venue for discussing, exploring, and addressing the challenges that underrepresented faculty experience in academia. All faculty and staff members are welcome to attend.

Our first meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 27 in the Library (Building 1L), Room 203 from 3:00pm to 4:30pm. We will discuss the following topics: objectives of the Diverse Faculty FIG, possible readings/activities, and schedule for Fall 2017/Spring 2018.

I also hope to reserve some time to discuss the introduction of Presumed Incompetent: The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia (2012). If you are interested in attending the meeting, I encourage you to read the introduction (by Angela P. Harris and Carmen G. Gonzalez). Faculty can access an electronic copy of the book using their FLAS account. Here the e-book is available online.

Please email me at if you have any questions or suggestions.

We hope to see you next week.