Students, staff, faculty, and alumni at the College of Staten Island have a chance to win $500 and get posted to YouTube for demonstrating their video prowess, thanks to the CUNY Sustainable Shorts contest, whose theme is “Going Green.”
The videos should be no more than two minutes in length, and can be humorous or serious in skit form, or a demonstration or song. The goal is to inspire others to live sustainably and promote Sustainable CUNY’s new sustainability campaign.
Contest videos can be posted to the Sustainable CUNY Shorts YouTube Group at or via the Sustainable CUNY Web page at
“Online video providers such as YouTube are not only the preferred method of entertainment for millions, but an excellent tool for provoking social change utilized by everyone from grassroots groups to President Barack Obama,” said CUNY University Director of Sustainability Tria Case. “Awareness is the first step to social change and CUNY students, one by one, can help us all work for a sustainable future, now, by becoming part of the Sustainable CUNY Shorts ‘Going Green’ Contest either as a contestant or as a viewer. The ‘power of one’ amplified by the domino effect of half a million CUNY students, staff, and faculty can make a tremendous difference.”
CUNY students and Sustainable CUNY leaders will select the winner based on both content and public viewership, so participants are encouraged to screen their videos for family and friends. The winner will be announced on Earth Day 2009, Wednesday, April 22.