The results of the University Faculty Senate (UFS) elections are as follows:
Elected as Full-Time UFS Senators for a three-year term, starting May 2009:
 Dr.  Sandi Cooper
 Prof. Mohamed Yousef
 Dr. Alan Zimmerman

Elected as the Full-Time Faculty Alternate UFS Senator for a one-year term, starting May 2009:
 Dr. Vasilios Petratos

Elected as a UFS Senator, representing the Adjunct Faculty, Substitute Faculty, and Full-Time College Laboratory Technicians for a one-year term, starting May 2009:
 Prof. Michael Batson

The Alternate UFS Senator, elected for a one-year term, beginning  May 2009:
 Prof. Louis Foleno
The other CSI Full-Time Faculty UFS senators whose terms are continuing are:
 Dr. Kathryn Talarico (2011), Prof. Roberta Klibaner (2010), and Dr. Alfred Levine (2011, term currently  being served by an alternate).
The chair thanks Dr. Margaret Berci, Dr. Simone Wegge, and Ms. Debbie Lane for their diligent work.