This is a follow-up to my message to you of Monday, Mar. 1, 2010 and your assistance is needed urgently.
Both houses of the legislature have now adopted budget resolutions so it is timely to again write to our senators and assembly members. The New York State Legislature has passed one house resolution on the 2010-2011 Executive Budget. The State Senate Resolution proposes an additional cut of $19.3 million to senior college operating aid (on top of the proposed Executive Budget cut of $84.4 million) and restores funding to community college base aid. The State Assembly resolution retains the Executive Budget cut to senior college operating aid in the amount of $84.4 million, restores community college base aid, and includes a ten percent non-resident tuition increase. If the proposed senior college funding reductions are implemented, it will be extremely detrimental to CUNY students, colleges, faculty, and staff.
Legislators should be informed that instruction, academic support, libraries, advisement, counseling, student services, and child care will all be negatively impacted. Course sections will be eliminated and that will increase class size and restrict the ability of students to graduate.
Please email the legislators immediately. State government leaders are asking conference committees to prioritize budget decisions and are quickly moving toward the Thursday, Apr. 1, 2010 budget deadline. There is a small window of opportunity to influence the process.
The letters are already written; all you need to do is fill out your name and address. There is a letter that asks for restoration of budget cuts and a letter requesting that the Assembly match the $1.5 million in CUNY LEADS (Linking Employment, Academics, and Disability Services) funding that was included in the Senate Budget Resolution.
Each letter really makes a difference. Please act now!
-Tomás D. Morales, PhD