CSI Administrators and Building Captains celebrate a very successful CUNY Campaign for Charitable Giving.
The 2010 CUNY Campaign for Charitable Giving (United Way) at CSI, which has recently just concluded, has exceeded its goal. The Campaign raised $18,474, which is $3,474 over this year’s goal of $15,000. In addition, the total exceeds last year’s amount by 47 percent.
The CUNY Campaign provides desperately needed assistance for the homeless, home-bound senior citizens, teens who are struggling to complete high school, and others who are facing economic and social challenges. In addition, contributions can be designated for the CSI Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides crucial funding for scholarships.
This year’s Campaign Captains, who each solicited contributions from their fellow colleagues in their respective buildings were:
-Greg Brown-Building 1C
-Linda John-Building 2A
-Jim Pepe-Building 1M
-Annie Varghese-Building 1P
-Geraldine Amuso-Building 3A
-Donna Garambone-Building 1A
-Fran Mitileri-Building 1R
-Korpo Joe-Building 1L
-Marie Anderson-Academic Staff
-Dean Levine-Academic Chairs
-Dean Saulnier-Academic Chairs
The top three fundraising Captains were Donna Garmabone, Korpo Joe, and Linda John.
CSI President Dr. Tomás D. Morales stated, “I would like to thank the Campaign Captains and Deans who worked diligently to make this Campaign a success. Because of their hard work and the generosity of our College community, many people in need including our students will be greatly helped.”
Barbara Eshoo, CSI Vice President for Institutional Advancement and External Affairs, was the Campaign coordinator for the 2010 CSI Campaign, assisted by Susan Been in the Advancement office. Vice President Eshoo said, “We are greatly indebted to the Campaign Captains and donors who made a 47% increase in gifts over last year’s total possible.”
The list of donors, who helped to make this an extremely successful Campaign, is as follows:
Roselyn Acampora, Joyce Adorno, Shazia Amin, Geraldine Amuso, Chrisanthi Anastopoulou, Marie Anderson, Frances Aquilino, Idamiss Arroyo, Anthony Avena, Janice Awerbuch, Dean Balsamini, David Bauer, Susan Been, Zakhar Berkovich, Evelyn Bermudez, Marilyn Yvonne Blenman, Holly A. Block, Kenneth Boyden, Donna Brogna, Carol Brower, A. Ramona Brown, Gregory Brown, Shannon Cammarano, Joan Campione, Kellie Grace Carnevale, Joanne Carosella, Angela Cartmell-McGlynn, Nancy Casey, Gregory P. Cheplick, Amy Clegg, Christopher Cruz Cullari, Linda Dallavalle, Regina M. D’Arienzo, Terianne Darragh, Lorraine DeFilippo, Joanne DeLucrezia, Joanne M. D’Onofrio, Mary Ann Durante, Barbara Eshoo, Elaine Flynn, Christine Flynn Saulnier, Marguerite Fuller, Rae Gallo, Doreen Gamblicher, Donna L. Garambone, Stefanie Gardiner, Donna Gerstle, Ruth M. Glenn, Babette M. Goffin, Ellen Goldner, Manuel Gonzalez, Patrick J. Graham, Justine E. Green, Theresa Grysman, Robin Gussow Lucey, Amy Hannon, Patricia Harrison, George Herman, Alan B. Hoffner, Korpo Joe, Linda John, Wilma L. Jones, Frederick Kogut, Koby Kohulan, Michael Kress, Melissa Lalla, Frances Lee, Carryll Lentol, Nancy Lotierzo, Ann Lubrano, Jennifer Lynch, Dina MacLeod, Irene Martinson, Cynthia McCloskey, Daniel McCloskey, Lillian McIsaac, Deborah Meise, Marianne Melfi, Frances Mitilieri, Tomás D. Morales, Vernon Mummert, Mary O’Donnell, Patricia Paholek, Sara Paul, Hazel Rose Pecora, Iranthi Peiris, Doriann Pieve-Hyland, Fanny Pong Li, Nisanka S. Ratnayake, Diane M. Reeves, MaryBeth Reilly, Eduardo Rios, Maria Rodriguez, Anthony V. Romano, Lisa Rooney, Jeffrey Rothman, Vanessa Rozzelle, Sharon Russo, Sandra Sanchez, Terri Sangiorgio, Milton Santiago, William M. Schreiber, Linda Sharib, Suzy Shepardson, Oleg Soloviev, Ellen Stark, Kathie Stone, Joyce Taylor, Thomas Tellefsen, Barbara Terrusa, Donna Theodorou, Marilee Trulby, Jason L. Turetsky, Roberta Vogel, Mary Vrabec, Anita Waugh, Ezekiel Williams, and Cheryl Wu.