The College of Staten Island will officially be closed on Fridays beginning the week of Monday, June 27, 2011
through Friday, August 12, 2011. All staff members (except those groups identified below*) will work Mondays
through Thursdays during this period from 8:00am through 5:30pm, with a ¾-hour lunch break.

The policy for the workweek including Independence Day shall be the same as in preceding years. The Independence
Day holiday will be observed on Monday, July 4, 2011. During that week staff shall have four regular unextended
workdays on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The four-day work week will resume on Monday, July 11,

The following categories of staff will participate in the four-day summer work week:

• Executive Compensation Plan titles
• Non-Teaching Instructional titles
• Classified titles
• College Assistants may be assigned to a schedule during the four day work week which meets the needs of the
department. College Assistants are paid only for hours worked.

Staff members who are unable, or who do not wish to work the extended day, will be given the option of working four
regular days each week during this period and charging the remaining day against available annual leave accruals.
Those employees must have six (6) annual leave days available by Thursday, June 30, 2011. Written requests must be submitted to the employee’s supervisor for approval and then to Human Resources no later than Wednesday, June 1, 2011. Under no circumstances may staff work a schedule other than the four-day work week, Monday through Thursday, 8:00am through 5:30pm without written approval from their supervisor and Human Resources.

Use of annual leave or sick leave for four days will result in a charge of five days. Three or fewer days will result in a charge of 8¾ hours for each day not worked.

*The following groups of employees will continue to work a five-day work week during this period:

• Buildings and Grounds titles covered by the Blue Collar Agreement
• 220 Titles, including skilled trades titles
• Public Safety classified titles

If you should have any questions, please contact Manuela Alongi at 718.982.2713.