When we face the wonderful prospect of summer, many of us have great plans to enjoy ourselves and be productive. Sometimes, we end up being productive but find that we have had little fun or rest. Other times, we had lots of fun and rest but weren’t productive. The best summers are those when we somehow manage to produce good work and also enjoy a delightful summer. What went right during those summers? For our final WAC/WID (Writing Across the Curriculum/Writing-Intensive Courses) newsletter for this academic year on “Summer Productivity,” we invite short contributions (approximately 350 words) on the subject; they can be whimsical or serious, quirky or straightforward. What works for you to make you write and enoy the summer? What gets in the way?
Please send your contributions to WAC coordinator Hildegard Hoeller at hilhllr@aol.com by Friday, April 15, 2011.
We would also like to issue a call for contributions to our new “Letters to the Editor” column. Starting with our May issue, we will publish some letters to the Editor that respond to any of our previous newsletters. If you have tried out some of our suggestions or have further thoughts on any of the newsletters, please write to us at hilhllr@aol.com by Friday, April 15.