CUNY’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Corporate Counseling Associates will present an Employee Health and Wellness Seminar on Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle on Monday, April 11 in the Campus Center (Building 1C) Green Dolphin Lounge from noon to 1:00pm.
In the midst of our stressful lives it is often hard to manage the challenge of caring for yourself. The following topics will be explored to help employees develop their own action plan to achieve the goal of maintaining a healthy lifestyle:
-Adaptive methods of coping with stress: exercise, nutrition, balancing life, cognitive changes
-Obstacles to achieving a healthy lifestyle
-Reframing your thinking
-Being realistic about creating personal change
-Ways to set personal goals and encourage self
-Smoking Cessation
Please RSVP to by Wednesday, April 6.
For up-to-date event information visit the CSI Event Calendar.