"Part of our chant is ‘Ohana means family. Family means Macaulay!’ I started something that brought together students from all different schools and majors—together we are a family." -Jenna Jankowski
Jenna Jankowski has accomplished a great deal during her Macaulay career, but developing and leading the college’s first athletic organization is one of her most influential achievements. The Macaulay Marauders quidditch team includes 40 students from all 5 boroughs who have traveled extensively together to compete, and has twice advanced to the World Cup.
Jenna’s studies focus on Dramatic English Literature and Corporate Communications and have taken her abroad several times. In London she studied contemporary British drama and in Amsterdam she gained a comparative understanding of how liberal policies effect everyday life.
Jenna’s excellent performance in the CUNY New York State Model Senate Session Project led to her being selected to speak on the floor of the State Senate. Jenna credits her internships with teaching critical professional skills. She wrote grant proposals, speeches and press releases at Staten Island Borough Hall; helped the reelection campaign of Congressman Michael E. McMahon and currently serves the Empire State Development’s New York City Regional Office.
A Dean’s List scholar for all four years at Macaulay, Jenna is also the recipient of the Macaulay Legacy Award. The Staten Island native has been selected to take part in the Edward T. Rogowsky CUNY Washington D.C. internship program and will be interning for Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney.