The CUNY Work/Life Program is an important benefit for all employees and their families. The program is offered through Corporate Counseling Associates (CCA) at no charge to the employee or members of the employee’s family to help them balance the demands of their professional and personal lives.
The CUNY Work/Life Website offers employees hundreds of educational articles, useful tips and Internet resources in addition to monthly Webinars on various topics. Upcoming seminars include:
Eating Your Way to Wellness: Tuesday, Nov. 18, Noon or 2:00pm (60 minutes)
Healthy eating can have a significant impact on your overall wellness. Learn to choose and prepare healthy foods, receive tips for eating healthy, and learn how to find resources to make healthy eating a healthy habit.
Self-Care: Remaining Resilient: Tuesday, Dec. 16, Noon or 2:00pm (60 minutes)
We’ve all heard the basics on how to deal with stress, but have we fully committed to implementing these in our lives? Learn the benefits of self-care to become resilient to stress.
To register go online; enter Company Code: CUNY ; scroll down to “Online Seminars”; and register for the Webinar of your choice.