This week, the College will commence its Early Alert Initiative to aid student success. CAAS is pleased to announce that due to the plethora of requests, this initiative has now been expanded to all faculty members teaching undergraduate courses at all levels.

CAAS’s acquisition of Hobsons Retain, a Web-based communications and early alert system, enables the College to support student retention and academic success by offering faculty the ability to notify students via email of academic and attendance concerns potentially affecting their academic progress in their current course(s).

Additionally, through Hobsons Retain:

-The College can send specifically targeted emails to matriculated undergraduate students to inform them about upcoming events (such as the Early Advisement Period) or special programs (such as lectures for designated majors or workshops for students on academic probation).

-Undergraduate students have access to “The CSI Bridge,” a customized portal page that contains specific information for students regarding their major and minor, important College policies, and special announcements from their academic departments or advisors.  Administrative or academic departments can request information to be placed on the pages of specific students, based upon selected criteria.

The Early Alert Initiative offers a two-part notification process. The first notification, the Early Warning, is sent to students within the first six weeks of classes, thus offering faculty who assess their students’ learning within this period the greatest ability to support their students’ academic  success. The second notification, the Mid-Term Warning, is sent to students during the seventh to ninthweeks of classes to offer students the best opportunity to utilize the College’s deadline periods appropriately.

CSI strongly encourages faculty participation in its Early Alert Program. Utilizing this tool to identify students who may be at risk opens up crucial lines of communication between faculty and their students, helps students connect to appropriate campus resources, and greatly supports CSI’s mission to serve and support the educational needs of our student body in a timely manner.

As always, we welcome your feedback and encourage questions regarding Hobsons Retain usage.

Thank you for your continued support.




Aliza Martini