Effective Sunday, May 1, CUNY will be making changes to the loan provision of the CUNY Retirement Program and Voluntary Tax Deferred Annuity Plans for TIAA CREF and Metlife participants. TIAA-CREF will be hosting a live Webinar “Inside Money: Managing Income and Debt” which will discuss the following topics:
- Review May 1loan provision changes to the CUNY Retirement Plan.
- Discuss the importance of cash flow, and how to use it
- Help you change how you look at saving and spending
- Identify good and bad debt, and ways to help manage it
This valuable Webinar is open to all employees. To register for the Webinar on one of the dates listed below, just click on the relevant link and fill out the registration details. See the online flyer for more information.
Tuesday, Feb. 23 from 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Wednesday, Mar. 9 from noon to 1:00pm
Wednesday, Mar. 16 from 3:00pm to 4:00pm
If you have any questions, email anne.alarcon@csi.cuny.edu.