Over the last few weeks, a great deal of progress has been made in the roadway construction, presenting a clear picture of how the work will greatly improve the on-campus experience when completed. Below, please find details for the next steps:

Phase 1 (East Side) – The work on the east side of campus is nearing completion and we have been paving the road this week. Tomorrow morning, we are opening up the new straight-away portion of Loop Road along with the Auxiliary Parking Lot and its 78 spots. Soon, we will re-stripe the old Loop Road sections for parking, resulting in an overall increase of several parking spots from what we had prior to construction. 

Phase 4 (Outside Admin Loop) – The area identified on the map as Phase 4 is also nearing completion. Paving is expected to begin next week.

Administrative Loop – The Administrative Loop work remains on schedule and should be completed the first week of November. As you may have noticed, the crosswalks directly out front of 1A and 2A have been removed for construction. The crosswalks closer to 3A on both sides are open and accessible for path of travel across the Great Lawn.

Phase 6 (Southeast Corner) – After the Administrative Loop is completed, the area identified as Phase 6 by the back gate will be taken offline. Access to Parking Lot 4 will be maintained throughout the construction. We will phase the work so that there are always two entrances to Lot 4 open.  We expect this phase to last about three weeks.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we continue this work. For questions regarding parking fees, violations, or regulations, please contact Parking Services at 718.982.2294. For questions regarding transportation including Loop Bus, MTA buses, Access-A-Ride, and the Ferry Shuttle, please contact Operational Services at 718.982.3220. For questions regarding the Loop Road construction project, please call Campus Planning at 718.982.3214.