I am both sad and pleased to report that Dean Marcus Tye has accepted a position as Dean of the College of Health Professions at Pace University. In his role as Dean of the School of Health Sciences at CSI, Marcus has been a tireless advocate for the departments of Social Work, Nursing, and Physical Therapy. He has successfully managed accreditation reviews for all three departments, and worked closely with the chairs of those departments, especially PT and Nursing, as they had to adapt their pedagogy because of health concerns derived from the pandemic. In October 2020, Marcus graciously assumed the additional role of interim Dean of the School of Education. He has also played key roles in the Middle States Steering Committee, the re-entry committee, and has always been a creative and vocal member of the Council of Deans.  

Prior to coming to CSI in 2017, Marcus was Professor of Psychology at National University (2016-2017), Dowling College (1999-2016), and the University of Guam (1997-1999). The new position at Pace is exciting for Dr. Tye as he has the opportunity to nurture a new Health Sciences program and continue stewardship of long-established Nursing, Physician Assistant, and other health professions programs.

We are working on interim solutions to the two vacancies created by Marcus’s departure. Please join me in bidding Marcus a fond farewell, and wishing him good fortune as he assumes his new responsibilities at Pace.  

By Michael Parrish