As we are in the second week of the Fall semester, we write to provide you with some simple reminders to ensure a safe learning and working environment.

 Please do NOT come to campus if you: 

  • ​Are sick
  • Are currently experiencing or recently experienced (in the last 48 hours) any new or worsening COVID-19 symptoms including fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Are unvaccinated and have recently (in the last ten days) been in close contact (within six feet for at least ten minutes over a 24-hour period) with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 or is suspected to have COVID-19 based on symptoms.
  • Tested positive through a diagnostic test for COVID-19 in the past ten days. 
  • Recently traveled domestically or internationally and are unvaccinated. All individuals should follow the CDC domestic travel recommendations and international travel recommendations before reporting to work or campus, and notify their manager in advance of the travel dates and should quarantine be required. 

If and when any of the aforementioned scenarios apply to you, you must stay home and contact the appropriate office listed below:

·        ​Students:

·        Faculty and Staff:

·        Visitors:

The above offices will assist with contact tracing and ensure that each person affected has the correct information/instructions regarding isolation and quarantine.

  • ​ If students, faculty, staff, contractors/vendors, or visitors are feeling sick, they should not come to campus.  Anyone who is feeling sick or who has been positive must go to non-CUNY sites to test. If you come to campus or go to your office or go to a campus testing site and test positive, there will be more potential exposure to the CSI community. FREE diagnostic tests are available through NYC COVID Express sites or through other public and private sites (search via the COVID-19 Test Site Finder).
  • We will soon implement a random testing program for fully vaccinated students and staff who are regularly on campus. Information will be shared when the random testing protocol is set and ready to be rolled out.
  • We only accept PCR tests, when needed, to clear individuals to come back to campus. There are new rapid PCR tests; because they are PCR tests, they are acceptable tests for clearance. WE CANNOT ACCEPT NON-PCR RAPID TESTS.
  • Individuals can always call the NYS COVID-19 hotline at 888.364.3065 with any questions/concerns related to COVID-19.

Information about coping with stress can be found at NYC Health and on CUNY’s Website.

Also, free resources are available to help people isolate and quarantine at Take Care Resources.

Our goal is to keep the campus safe and we appreciate your cooperation.

By Jessica Collura, Danielle Dimitrov, and Michael Lederhandler