Information Technology Services has been receiving inquiries from the campus community that wireless access has not been optimal in certain locations on campus.

As we troubleshoot these inquiries by reviewing our logs, it has been determined that the root cause in most cases is that users are not able to connect due to incorrect password attempts. After the third attempt, the user will be locked out and understandably assumes there is a problem with the wireless network. This can be frustrating.

As a reminder, FLAS passwords that are used to connect to wireless expire every 180 days. IT automatically sends a communication to the user prior to the expiration along with links to documentation for assistance.

IT will continue to be proactive and monitor wireless on campus and is in the process of deploying additional access points where necessary.

Thank you for your continued cooperation, and if you need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. For immediate assistance, please contact the

Patricia Kahn, PhD