Writing Across the Curriculum and the Faculty Center present “Assessment: Grading, Rubrics, and Beyond on Thursday, May 4 from 2:30pm to 4:00pm via Zoom.”

Assessment: while it is a necessary tool to determine students’ comprehension of the material that we are teaching, still, we never want to reduce our students’ capabilities to a number or letter grade. This workshop invites us to take a deeper look at our approach to grading. It asks us to question what it is we are grading for and why, as well as how successful our grading strategies truly are. We will discuss the process of developing a rubric as well as the pros and cons of their usage. This workshop will also cover alternative ways of grading and what advantages or disadvantages they might offer. Ultimately, this workshop aims to help us assess ourselves and how well our grading strategies are actually working.

This event will be led by CSI WAC and English Dept Adjunct Instructor Chris Morabito

Join Zoom meeting.

By Writing Across the Curriculum and the Faculty Center