The College has been asked to reduce its energy consumption again this afternoon and evening (Friday, Sept. 8) from 5:00pm to 9:30pm to support stability in the City’s power grid. With fewer people occupying our buildings this evening, we will determine if there is an opportunity to reduce energy consumption significantly more than in our previous efforts.

Again, as a reminder, building temperatures will increase slightly, but we do not anticipate any occupied classrooms, halls, or other spaces being warmer than the  NYC Cooling Season guideline of 78 F.

If you have concerns about specific areas, please contact the Central Plant at 718.982.3204 or 718.982.3205. We will be monitoring the temperatures closely.

As always, we are grateful that with the support of CSI students, faculty, and staff the College is positioned to respond positively when critical issues such as the current heat wave affect our communities.

Thank you very much for your patience and cooperation.

By Keith J. Pisons