The CSI Office of Communications would like to take this opportunity to introduce one of our Spring 2024 interns, Laura Bello, a senior Linguistics major at CSI. This edition of “The Campus Beat” is her first contribution to CSI Today.

Hello and welcome back to CSI! As we brace ourselves for the upcoming spring semester, I’m happy to report that some of our incoming freshmen are ready for action. I interviewed some students around the Campus Center, inquiring how they felt about the upcoming semester.

When asked if she had any particular concerns for the semester, freshman Education major Gabby stated, “Nothing really. We’re student-athletes both of us [referring to her friend Jolie, her friend who was occupying her] so it’s about balancing that and education.”

Gabby mentions that she and Jolie actually grew up in upstate New York. I have to admire her nonchalance about being in a completely different part of the state, hundreds of miles away.

Jacob, a freshman Psychology major, looks forward to a non-academic aspect of the semester. “I get to go back to work so that’s nice. I work in the cafeteria.” Jacob proceeded to compliment my Eevee keychain. Excellent work, Jacob, and excellent taste in Pokemon.

Indeed, it is important to keep a strong balance between your academics and extracurriculars. I would also personally like to remind our readers to set aside time to recharge and relax whenever possible. Between school, athletics, clubs, and employment, it can be a lot to handle. Stay tuned for CSI’s latest relaxation-themed events, and remember your counselors are here to lend a helping hand.

Closing out our interviews is a quote from Gianluca, a freshman International Business major. “I’m curious and ready to see what I have to go through. I’m ready for anything.”

You heard it here first, folks, the kids are alright. And with that, I hope we’re all bringing that kind of confidence into the Spring 2024 semester. Godspeed!

By Laura Bello