The Bertha Harris Women’s Center and the Program in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies wants to encourage all interested to attend this special day of events at the SI Pride Center. 

By Catherine Lavender (she, her, hers)

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Frank Popper (Education and Outreach Manager) <>

Good afternoon,

I hope this email finds you well and you’re enjoying the beginning of Spring! The Pride Center of Staten Island is hosting our annual Trans Day of Visibility event on Saturday, April 6th, from 11 A.M. to 5 P.M, here at our center. We will be hosting a group art therapy workshop, as well as having free giveaways for gender-affirming clothing, accessories, makeup, shoes, self-care products, binders, and tucking underwear. In addition, we will have a therapy dog present and will also be creating a video diary to commemorate our support. Though the event is catered towards highlighting transgender and gender diverse folks, allied people from all backgrounds and identities are more than welcome to join us. Refreshments will be provided, and no registration is required. 

I’ve attached the flyer for the event to this email, and I hope that you are able to join us on this wonderful, uplifting day of support and affirmation. Your support at this event is fundamental for the prosperity of trans folks, who are consistently fighting an uphill battle for visibility and outright existence in our 2024 society. If you are unable to join us but know of someone that might be interested, feel free to send them the flyer.

I look forward to seeing you there. If you have any questions, please reach out to myself or the folks that are CC’d on this email.


Frank Popper (he/him)

Education and Outreach Manager

Pride Center of Staten Island

66 Willow Ave, Suite 202, Staten Island, NY 10305

(718) 808-1365