CSI Today Talks, the College of Staten Island’s official podcast, returns this week with recently-named CSI Male-Athlete of the Year and Men’s Basketball star Messiah Mallory.

Co-hosted by CSI Communications’ David Pizzuto and Terry Mares, this week’s show returns with Pizzuto interviewing Mallory, a junior who earned Male Student-Athlete of the Year for the second year in a row. The duo discussed Mallory’s decorated career, and why he decided to play and study at the College of Staten Island, as well as the rise of the CSI Men’s Basketball team since entering the NCAA Division II ranks.

The CSI Today Talks podcast is available online, via SpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsRadio PublicCastboxPocket Cast, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. You can now catch video versions of the show on CSI’s YouTube channel as well.