Please join us at Kingsborough Community College in the Rotunda on Thursday, June 27 at 9:30am for the University Committee on Recruitment’s 14th Annual Professional Development Day. Address: 2001 Oriental Blvd, Brooklyn, NY 11235

All faculty and staff are invited to this in-person event.

The day will consist of four to five topics with a focus on recruitment and admissions current events, efforts, initiatives, and issues. Many thanks go to the host college for providing the venue and for their contributions in making this day a success.

Please complete the registration form if you plan to attend.

Presentation Topics:

• The Evolving Recruitment Landscape: Recruitment and Retention Workshop
• The Work of CUNY and Our Competitors 
• CUNY Online Programs
• Host College Presentation

• Implementing the Value of Current Students’ Experiences in Your Recruitment Strategies

The program will be emailed to all guests on Tuesday, June 25.

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you on June 27!

By Holly Block and Shomari Townsend