Many organizations around the City including CSI and other CUNY colleges participate in the CONED Demand Response Program, which requires that we reduce our energy “demand” when air conditioning and electrical usage strain the power grid.

With the current high temperatures, the request has been made for CSI to participate in Demand Response by reducing our energy consumption tonight from 4:00pm to 8:00pm. This activity will help to stabilize the local electrical supply on Staten Island. To comply with the request, we will allow internal building temperatures to increase slightly.We do not anticipate any rooms, halls, or other spaces to be warmer than the NYC Cooling Season guideline of 78 degrees Fahrenheit. If you have concerns about specific areas, please contact the Central Plant at 732.982.3204 or 718.982.3205. We will be monitoring the temperatures throughout the campus closely.

Please note that in the future, we may receive additional requests to participate in Demand Response when temperatures are extreme; we will do our best to keep the College community informed.

Thank you for your cooperation and for supporting our effort to reduce energy usage during the extended heatwave.

By the Facilities Management Team