Join us for the 2024 CSI Spirit Faculty/Staff Softball game.
Don’t miss out on the fun. Sign up to play or watch from the bleachers and cheer on your colleagues.
It’s a fun way to connect, compete, and enjoy a summer day on our beautiful campus.
Date: Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024*
Time: 3:00pm – 5:00pm
Location: CSI Softball Field
*Rain Date Thursday, Aug. 8, 3:00pm – 5:00pm
Please register for this event by Monday, July 29, and let us know if you are coming to play or watch the game.
Once registration closes, players will be divided into two teams. Each player will receive a CSI t-shirt.
Don’t forget to wear Dolphin Blue or CSI gear as Aug. 1 is also CSI Spirit Day (the first Thursday of the month).

By CSI Spirit