Please mark your calendars.

The Office of Recruitment and Admissions will be hosting a Fall Undergraduate Open House for prospective undergraduate students (freshmen and transfers) on Saturday, Nov. 2, from 10:00am to 2:00pm in the Center for the Arts (Building 1P). Check-in will begin at 10:00am for the attendees.

This event is designed to inform interested students and their families of the many opportunities available to them at CSI. Consequently, participation from the College community is strongly encouraged so that we can showcase and recruit for our academic programs and highlight our student/enrollment services and campus life.

We are seeking support for the following programming options: 

  • School of Health Sciences Session
  • Division of Humanities and Social Sciences Session
  • Chazanoff School of Business Session
  • Division of Science and Technology Session
  • School of Education Session
  • Special Lab/Facilities Tours 
  • Academic and Student Services Fair – 10:00am – 1:00pm
  • Honors Programs Session
  • Opportunity Programs Session
    • Transfer Student Session

We will follow up with specific departments and programs to solidify the arrangements during the next few weeks. 

If you wish to reserve a table during the Academic and Student Services Fair, please contact John Kim in the Office of Recruitment and Admissions at or 718.982.2012.  

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.​​

By Emmanuel Esperance, Jr.