On February 19 in the Campus Center, the Accessibility, Inclusion, and Diversity Commission of Student Government held its bi-weekly meeting, where its members spoke about a few initiatives on campus that they intend to launch this semester.

The commission is currently working on an initiative to put a park bench in front of the Center for the Arts, an initiative that was held back last semester due to a few issues. The front entrance of 1P has become a common waiting place for those who have just finished classes, waiting to go to class, or just wanting to sit, chat, and relax. Like the students who wait for transportation services, like the MTA buses and Access-A-Ride, they are also subject to waiting in the rain or other unsafe weather conditions.

“We tried to get the 1P bench done last semester but there was difficulty setting up meetings because of confusion with scheduling meetings and getting quorum,” said Commissioner Wilson Vaccarino.

Vaccarino says that since the election period, Student Government has been able to elect more senators, which is a main reason why they are excited about getting initiatives like the 1P bench project off the ground, as well as other initiatives being introduced to the campus like a Sex Education Event.

In the meeting, attendees watched a video about how other colleges were promoting safe sex in a college environment, which gave the Commission an interesting idea called the Condom Casino. Students would play Vegas-like games with condoms as a form of currency as an entertaining way to learn about safe sex and the prevention of STDs. At the end of the event, students can keep their condoms as well as win prizes based on how many condoms they have collected.

The Commission also held conversations about collaborating with the Office of Accessibility and the Office of Veteran Affairs. There was concern raised over the campus’ Access-A-Ride services and their timeliness, which has left students with disabilities waiting long periods of time for their ride home at late hours of the night.

Doshi Rahman, the Student Government Coordinator, made it a point for members of the Commission to personally contact these different clubs and organizations that might be having difficulty. Funding different services and events helps bring awareness to the student body and push impactful initiatives into motion.

On Thursday, February 27, Student Government will hold a meeting where commissions like the Accessibility, Inclusion, and Diversity Commission will come together to report to the student body, express any concerns, and plan new ideas. By meeting often this semester with more senators, it is hoped that ideas like the Center for the Arts Bench and the Condom Casino will be pushed into motion.

By Kyle Cicero