We would like to provide information to you about the College of Staten Island chapter of The National Society of Collegiate Scholars, (NSCS), an honor society for high-achieving first- and second-year college students. 

Very soon, some of your students will receive invitations to join NSCS. We wanted to provide you with information about the organization, in case your students had any questions.

NSCS is an honor society that invites first- and second-year students with a 3.4 GPA and higher. It has chapters at 280 higher education institutions throughout the country, including four-year universities such as Cornell University, UCLA, Princeton University, and the College of Staten Island, as well as two-year colleges such as Northern Virginia Community College and Hillsborough Community College. NSCS is accredited by the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS), which serves as an accrediting board for honor societies. 

Once students join, they have several opportunities, both on campus and in the community:

1.     Students may participate in chapter activities on campus. Activities include social events and community service activities such as NSCS’s Planning to Achieve Collegiate Excellence (PACE) program, where NSCS chapter members mentor middle school students at local schools.

2.     NSCS members have access to more than $250,000 in member-only scholarships, every year. 

3.     Students can develop leadership experience by becoming an NSCS chapter officer: the NSCS national office provides officers with leadership training at its annual summit, year-round mentorship with a full-time staff member, and opportunities to develop their leadership skills.

If you or your students have any questions about NSCS, please contact the chapter president at lisa@migliorisi.com; the national office liaison, Richard Failla (failla@nscs.org); or the CSI advisors, Dr. Deborah Vess, Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies and Academic Programs (deborah.vess@csi.cuny.edu) and Dr. Alejandra Alonso, Associate Professor of Biology (alejandra.alonso@csi.cuny.edu).