Mitchell Harris '16 (center) receives his prizes from Danny the Dolphin and CSI President William J. Fritz for his first place finish and "most likes" achievement in the "Where's Danny?" photo competition.
Danny the Dolphin traveled the globe this summer as his photographer fans toted the pocket-sized sea mammal across cities, countries, and continents. Now, for those who participated in the “Where’s Danny?” Photo Contest, the results are in.
The winners of the contest (three winners in four categories and two honorable mentions) are as follows:
Mitchell Harris ’16 won for Best Overall and Most Likes.
He will receive an iPad mini 2 and a $50 Amazon Gift Card. Harris graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science in Social Work and is currently in the Master’s in Social Work program at Fordham University.
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CpNU7tZPJ0[/youtube] “I have been very involved throughout this whole competition and am ecstatic to have my entries recognized. I had a great time being a part of this creative and expressive contest. Each picture I have taken has a story attached to it. Almost every time I left my home, I had Danny with me, always thinking about where the next picture might appear in my mind and then captured with my camera for others to see. This was a great opportunity to express creativity in a day and age where creativity is not always given a chance to be expressed,” Harris noted.
Rachel Torres ‘16 won for Best Picture and will receive a GoPro Hero Session. Torres graduated from The Verrazano School Honors Program with degrees in Accounting and Economics.
Torres commented, “In the beginning, I did not expect to get so into the Where’s Danny? contest. I thought it would be a cute thing to do because I like social media and taking pictures. Then, I started taking Danny with me everywhere I was going: meetings in the city, out with friends, weekend road trips, and museums. I got so into it that when family and friends saw me digging in my bag, they knew I was digging for Danny. There would be times I would spend a fair amount of time taking pictures then picking out the best ones from the day with a caption to go along. It was a lot of fun participating in the contest.”
Samantha Scali won for Best Caption and will receive a $75 Amazon Gift Card.
Aidan Jimenez ‘20 received an honorable mention. Jimenez is a Business Management major.
Alecia Janeiro received an honorable mention. “I took Danny to seven countries with me over the summer, and it was a really fun experience!” Janeiro commented.
View all #csidannythedolphin entries on Instagram>
All prize winning entries are below: