Welcome back to a new semester. As you probably know, students need to meet their New Student Orientation/CLUE Requirement, so whether you’re having an event on campus or doing any virtual programming, make sure you make it  a CLUE event. This will help advertise your event and increase your attendance. We promote the CLUE events through CSI Connect, giving students easy access–students just click the location URL link in the event posting. The Office of Student Life is happy to assist you with questions about running a virtual or on-campus event.  

The process for creating your program as a CLUE is as follows:  

For offices/departments with CSI Connect portals: 

  • Submit your event request through your portal 
  • Email studentlife@csi.cuny.edu, noting that your event has been posted 
  • Our office will do the rest.  

If your office/department does not have a portal on CSI Connect: 

·       Email studentlife@csi.cuny.edu to inquire about getting a portal 



  • CLUE facilitators will decide if the CLUE event should be categorized as a Personal Growth (PG) CLUE or as a Co-Curricular (CC) CLUE. Personal Growth (PG) – these CLUE activities contribute to students’ self-development outside the regular curriculum. Included among PG CLUEs are career and study skills workshops, health and wellness programs, and recreational and social events. Co-Curricular (CC) – these CLUE activities are intended to augment and/or complement some aspect of academic life at the College and focus on scholarly, cultural, and civic development from academic areas, including humanities, social sciences, sciences, math, and technology, as well as, film screenings and theatrical events. The Office of Student Life reserves the right to change the CLUE type if it is determined that it does not fit the appropriate category, as well as, the right to edit any event descriptions, if necessary. 
  • All CLUE events must be sponsored by a College department or office.  
  • All approved CLUE events will be added to the CLUE News for students to review. CLUE News may be found on CSI Connect
  • When advertising your CLUE event, please use the statement “Personal Growth CLUE event” or “PG CLUE” or “Co-Curricular CLUE event” or “CC CLUE.” The word “certified” should not be used when advertising CLUE events. 
  • ATTENDANCE: At the conclusion of the CLUE event, CLUE facilitators should send the CLUE attendance via email to studentlife@csi.cuny.edu as soon as possible, so that students’ records may be updated in a timely fashion. The following information should be provided: title and date of event, student names and EMPLID number.  

Please email (studentlife@csi.cuny.edu) with any questions.

Thank you. 

By Carol Brower