The latest episode of CUNY TV Presents, a film forum that focuses on New York City filmmakers and their exceptional cinematic work throughout the five boroughs, is now featuring a pair of faculty from the College of Staten Island side-by-side with inspiring CUNY filmmakers. The new episode, which premieres July 5-7 on CUNY TV, is also available for streaming now via YouTube.

The focus of this episode is Graduate Center Filmmakers, and is being hosted by CSI Professor Edward Miller, who is also finalizing his term as the Coordinator of Film and Media Cultures at The Graduate Center. The show also features CSI Professor (and recent recipient of the Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres) David Gerstner, whose film Between Men: A Historical Fantasy, is one of several screened on the show.

Miller’s student Fernando Vieira, recently won the Capstone Prize in Liberal Studies at The Graduate Center for his film, Frenetic Journal Toward Muddleness. Vieira along with Gerstner and fellow studio guest Nathalie Etoke (Professor of Francophone and Africana Studies at The Graduate Center), talked about the films and their significance during the half-hour show.

“CUNY TV Producer Jose Luis Orbegozo approached us about the idea for the show after attending the GC Filmmakers screening, organized by Fernando,” explained Miller. “I appreciate that this particular broadcast is inclusive of students, alums, and faculty, and includes and celebrates the impact of mentorship on emerging artists. I hope CUNY TV Presents will continue to showcase the work of CSI students, alums, and faculty filmmakers.”

In addition to the studio guests, Professor Gertstner’s former student at the GC, Azmi Mert Erdem, was also included in the programming with his film Moving.

“All of the films are terrific, and though they are all quite different, they reflect the amazing talent of CUNY artists,” remarked Miller. 

CUNY TV Presents is available on NYC Cable systems. Check local listings for showtimes. See below for the full video of the show, available via YouTube.