CSI Today Talks, the College of Staten Island’s official podcast and part of the new fall lineup on CSI-TV, is coming back for Season Four beginning Monday, Sept. 9. Since its beginning in January 2022, CSI Today Talks is 78 episodes strong and looks to continue rolling with bi-weekly conversations that will normally debut every other Monday morning.

CSI Today Talks is hosted by CSI Communications’ Terry Mares, and features conversations with administrators, faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community leaders. The audio podcast is available online, via SpotifyApple PodcastsRadio PublicCastboxPocket Cast, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.

CSI Today Talks is also part of CSI’s newly branded YouTube Channel and part of a lineup of new shows and offerings available on CSI-TV. Be sure to subscribe to CSI’s YouTube Page for the latest updates.

To get booked on CSI Today Talks, email communications@csi.cuny.edu.