Search Results for: message from president lynch

A Message from President Lynch

What an eventful week! As I am sure you have seen, we were pleased to host an honorable alumna, Queen Diambi of the Democratic Republic of the Congo on Wednesday. Her Majesty, valedictorian of the Class of 1992, spoke glowingly...

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A Message from President Lynch

On this Veteran’s Day holiday, I write to thank all those who have served our country, especially those members of our immediate CSI and CUNY community. Our campus has the distinction of again being recognized as a “Military...

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A Message from President Lynch

I hope that you have been enjoying the mild autumn weather. As the days grow shorter and the calendar approaches November, work continues on several important initiatives, and I write with updates on these. This week, I attended...

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A Message from President Lynch

As mid-terms approach, I write with updates concerning recent campus activities. It has been an eventful and busy time for many, myself included. Last week, I met with the Senior College Presidents as part of our regularly...

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A Message from President Lynch

As the calendar moves from September to October and we celebrate Italian American Heritage month, I write with updates as to campus activities. This week, in addition to my full slate of usual meetings, I was pleased to...

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