Search Results for: message from president lynch

A Message from President Lynch

I hope you had a restful holiday season with loved ones, and I wish you well as 2023 unfolds. I write with important updates concerning recent transitions within the CSI Administration. First, I formally announce...

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Message from President Lynch

I hope this end-of-semester email finds you well. It has been a typically busy week for me, and I write with my usual update and with wishes for a restful and restorative holiday season. As I conclude a full calendar year at the...

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A Message from President Lynch

What an eventful week! On Saturday, I was pleased and proud to welcome over a hundred of our closest supporters to our first in-person fundraiser, the Celestial Ball, since 2019. It was great to see so many old friends...

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A Message from President Lynch

Colleagues: I hope that you had a restful and restorative Thanksgiving break, and that the arrival of December finds you well. As the fall term approaches its conclusion, I write with updates as to recent activities and...

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